Tim Day sent out an email on May 10th relating that he had just reached the age of 83 and feels “pretty good for an old fossil. COVID-19 has placed some restraints on our lives, but we are blessed to live in Arizona with lots of open spaces, good outdoor weather, and it’s not crowded with people. So we get a lot of exercise and outdoor walking – and are surrounded with good restaurants with pickup and/or delivery service so eating well is no problem. And we have developed a good network using Zoom for friendly meetings or cocktails online – not great but not too much of a sacrifice.” Tim also enjoys spending time at his seaside retreat in La Jolla, CA. Jerry Rood and I visit with Tim and Sandy there on occasions.
— Tom L’Esperance tmlski@roadrunner.com
P.S. The photo is the Waimea Canyon —
also referred to as the Grand Canyon of Kauai ..
Submitted by Tom L’Esperance ’55
Tom L’Esperance