
Modern Languages

While the study of language has always been an important component of a Deerfield education, such study has become increasingly vital in today’s rapidly changing world. Deerfield offers instruction in four modern languages: Chinese, French, Arabic, and Spanish.

Progressive immersion in the target language is the norm in the Deerfield Academy modern language classroom. Speaking and hearing the target language allows students to explore the world through the eyes of another, embracing the diversity of voices from around the globe. As in acquiring any other skill, we acknowledge that learning a language is a challenging and rewarding process. Lifelong language learning demands engagement, flexibility, collaboration and patience.

Classical Languages

Who were the ancient Greeks and Romans? And how does their legacy continue to shape our culture? At Deerfield Academy, Greek and Latin form a part of our heritage, having been inaugural subjects when the school was founded in 1797. The study of classics is as much about self-discovery as mastery; we learn the heritage of Greece and Rome just as we come to know ourselves.

For students with a special enthusiasm for classics, DA offers a Classical Studies Program; the Classics Club provides opportunities for students beyond DA, including trips to local colleges and museums—and, of course, certamena fun-filled, competitive classics quiz game. To give students a first-hand experience with Roman history and material culture, the classics program offers a biennial trip to Italy, replete with visits to Roman, Etruscan, and Greek museums and archeological sites.

  1. ARA100

    Arabic 1

  2. ARA200

    Arabic 2

  3. ARA300

    Arabic 3

  4. ARA400

    Arabic 4

  5. CHI100

    Chinese 1

  6. CHI200

    Chinese 2

  7. CHI300

    Chinese 3

  8. CHI400

    Chinese 4

  9. CHI509

    Chinese 5 Honors

  10. CHI609

    Chinese 6 Honors

  11. CHI699

    Chinese 7 Honors

  12. CLA310

    Legends, Gods, and Heroes

  13. CLA320

    Topics in Linguistics

  14. FRE100

    French 1

  15. FRE200

    French 2

  16. FRE209

    French 2 Honors

  17. FRE300

    French 3

  18. FRE309

    French 3 Honors

  19. FRE400

    French 4

  20. FRE409

    French 4 Honors

  21. FRE509

    French 5 Honors

  22. FRE609

    French 6 Honors

  23. FRE619

    Enquete culturelle

  24. FRE699

    French 7 Honors

  25. GRE100

    Greek 1-Foundations Ancient Gr

  26. GRE200

    Greek 2

  27. GRE300

    Greek 3

  28. LAT100

    Latin 1: Foundations

  29. LAT200

    Latin 2: Foundations 2

  30. LAT209

    Latin 2H: Foundations 2H

  31. LAT300

    Latin 3: Intro to Latin Lit.

  32. LAT400

    Latin 4: Vergil's Aeneid

  33. LAT509

    Latin 5 Hon.: Survey of Latin Lit

  34. LAT609

    Latin 6 Honors

  35. LAT699

    Latin 7 Honors

  36. SPA100

    Spanish 1

  37. SPA200

    Spanish 2

  38. SPA300

    Spanish 3

  39. SPA309

    Spanish 3 Honors

  40. SPA400

    Spanish 4

  41. SPA410

    Spanish 4- Community Service

  42. SPA509

    Spanish 5 Honors

  43. SPA609

    Spanish 6 Honors: Latin American Literature

  44. SPA619

    Span 6H: Spanish Speaking Film

  45. SPA699

    Spanish 7 Honors

Faculty and Staff

  1. Lina Al Samawi

    Language Teacher, International Student Advisor
  2. Ellie Bicknell

    Language Teacher, Visual & Performing Arts Teacher – Studio
  3. Cheri Calcaterra

    Language Teacher
  4. Jaime Correa Ramirez

    Language Teacher
  5. Amie Creagh

    Associate Head of School for Student Life, Language Teacher
  6. Anna Delwiche

    Language Teacher
  7. Francoise Ellis

    Language Teacher
  8. Cindy Feng

    Language Teacher
  9. Xiao Feng Feng

    Language Teacher
  10. Avery Flynn

    Language Teacher
  11. Beatriz Giraldo

    Associate Director of the Center for Service & Global Citize
  12. Lydia Hemphill

    Language Teacher, Dean of Studies
  13. Dan Houston

    Language Teacher, Language Dept Chair
  14. Brian Hunt

    Language Teacher
  15. Matt Kutolowski

    Language Teacher
  16. Yanik Nichols

    Language Teacher
  17. Haley O'Neil

    Language Teacher
  18. John Taylor

    Language Teacher
  19. Matthew Westman

    Language Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

Before they enter Deerfield, all new students are required to take a language placement test to determine an appropriate class. Students who have already taken a language they wish to continue studying at Deerfield will take a placement test to determine what level class they should take. If the placement in either department is deemed inappropriate after the student arrives, then the section teacher may suggest a change of level. Students may also request such a change and should consult with their teacher and their academic advisor before contacting the Dean of Studies.

In the modern language courses at Deerfield, oral proficiency, competency in written expression, and cultural literacy are equally important. First and second levels stress rapid acquisition of vocabulary, fundamental grammatical skills, and cultural awareness. Third-year courses provide a comprehensive review of grammatical structures and an introduction to reading and composition. Fourth-year courses are usually devoted to the development of oral proficiency and literary skills. In the fifth and sixth level courses, students delve into the literature originally written in the language they are studying.

In most years, there are spring and summer trips abroad, organized and chaperoned by Deerfield faculty members, for students studying Chinese, French, Arabic, and Spanish. Deerfield is also an associate member of the School Year Abroad Program (SYA). Each year several Deerfield juniors and seniors live with host families and attend school in Rennes, France, Zaragoza, Spain, or Beijing, China.

Yes, several of our courses will prepare students for the appropriate AP Language Examinations.

Contact the Language Department

Haley O’Neil
Fax 413-772-1128

Kendall Classroom Building
Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm

7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 87
Deerfield, MA 01342