Rob Harwell 1953

“From left to right Rob Harwell DA’53, John McPhee DA’49, Margaret Ann Robinson, a major benefactor of the Nashville Public Library Foundation at whose home the event was held, and Beth Harwell, my wife, who was with me during our time on the Deerfield Faculty ’60 thru ’66 and as it turns out, a central figure in the life of the school.

John McPhee was interviewed by John Seigenthaler prominent former editor and publisher of the “Nashville Tennessean” and Chairman of Vanderbilt University’s “First Amendment Center.” During Seigenthaler’s interesting interview with McPhee, John spoke not only about his career as a writer and teacher of writing but about his New Yorker profile on “The Headmaster” and his introduction to geology in a course with Frank Conklin, who was a member of the faculty and DA ’33.

The evening was a success.

It was a thrill for me to be part of bringing Deerfield Academy before so many folks with a love for books and learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Upon graduating from Deerfield, alumni enter a diverse network of former Deerfield students. Deerfield alumni have ventured into almost every area of employment, and many are at the top of their respective fields. The advantages of this vast network are numerous and significant, as every member of the Deerfield family receives the following:

Alumni are also eligible for alumni awards, such as the Ashley Award, Heritage Award, and the Mimi Morsman Award.

There are no membership fees or dues for members of the Deerfield family, but Deerfield does ask for assistance in a few areas. First of all, in order for Deerfield to have the most up-to-date records possible, we encourage members to keep us apprised of their current contact info. Alumni are also urged to direct all concerns and suggestions regarding Deerfield’s operations through the Executive Committee, the governing body of the Alumni Association. The committee acts as the voice of the alumni body, and works closely with the school administration. In order to keep tuition affordable and the quality of a Deerfield education at its highest, the Academy depends upon the continuing support of alumni and their families. This support can take the form of annual or capital gifts, or time spent volunteering on behalf of Deerfield.

There are regional events in many major American cities. Please visit here for more information on regional engagement. 

Of course! Be sure to read the latest issue of From Albany Road in your email’s in-box for current news of what is happening on campus. As we also send out periodic invitations, it’s always best to make sure we have your current physical address. And if you do plan on visiting campus, why not tell us ahead of time?

Contact the Office of Advancement

7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 306
Deerfield, MA 01342