News from Jack Fogarty 1945

Jack Fogarty ’45, in his recent Christmas letter, writes:

“It’s always nice to think about hearing from each of you each year, even though we have a hard time scaring up new news to tell you. One thing, though, is Peggy quitting the Sandy Spring Museum after 28½ years. It sounds like a wrench but the truth is that fewer accessions and more computers have ‘broken up that old job of mine,’ and she’s relieved to have it whimper to a close.

Another milestone toppled when our state prison changed the rules, ending our 25-year stint with prison visitation. Now our Meeting’s Prison Committee’s only activity is their Pen-Pal project, and that’s OK with us. By the way, we did get to Yearly Meeting this year, but we stayed in a motel rather than the university dorms.”

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