’68 Update

The last two winters, I have been trying retirement out by spending 6 weeks in the dead of winter in Miami. It is a great change after 32 years never taking more than 10 days off and living in the relative “sticks” of New Hampshire.
Miami is a great change…I love the fact that restaurants don’t close at 9:00PM!
I’ve attached a couple of pictures of my biggest wildlife conquests….fish. I never get enough time to go after them, but being in Florida for part of the winter at least adds a few weeks to the all-too-short New England summers.

2012’s biggest fish…age takes its toll…1/15th the size of the fish in 1997…but more colorful and done alone in the gulf stream

Second Giant Bluefin in a month, but in 1997 only one since! Me with two fingers raised

Dominic Paul DiMaggio Class of 1968

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