Sooo, we are now 2 years from the 50th. Better start planning, mates! My wife Marit and I are considering to attempt to come. If you will have us, that is; in March this year we were surprised to have a “travel not authorized” response from the US Customs and Border Protection, the first ever after all these years of reunions and other visits. We had bought tickets and paid hotels and car rentals from SF to LA and the Grand Canyon, all of it lost. I think our work and travelling throughout the Middle East and Africa have earned us a position on the suspects list. What was not an issue in 2013 apparently is a lot more scary in 2016. Marit is angry enough to stay away but I’ll try to persuade her to at least try again.
And in the meantime she will be busy doing her consultancies through her two companies, and I through mine, and both of us seeing our 4 grandchildren as much as possible, all of them near us here in central Oslo. Plus I spend a great deal of time on dubious things such as ARC-PEACE International Architects Designers Planners for Social Responsibility (board member and Co-Secretary), and other subversive things.
Hoping to see you in 2018, I shall remain true to, and hopefully be worthy of, my heritage.
Øystein Grønning