Spain #10: Bonding Time

Emily ’25, reflects on a fun day spent with family and friends. In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

France #13: Final Reflections

On the final day of the trip, students gathered in the Jardins du Luxembourg for some reflective writing. As students responded to prompts in their journals, they later shared their reflections with the entire group. Following are some responses to the prompt: I used to think… about France, now I think ….

Spain #9: Sevilla!

Gabriel ’25 and Elena ’25, describe a busy weekend exploring Sevilla! In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

France #12: Paris

Mr. Romick, shares an overview of the various experiences students were exposed to during their time in Paris.

Spain #8: Making Progress

Izzy ’25, describes a typical morning at school followed by an afternoon scavenger hunt in her favorite part of town . In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

Spain #7: A Special Day

Vivian ’26, recounts a special day, surrounded by new friends and her home stay family. In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

Spain #6: Embracing the Culture

Maisy ’26, reflects on a “glorious day in Cádiz.” In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

France #11: Exploring Marseille

Vivian ’25, describes the differences between Arles and Marseille, and recounts the groups various activities during their time in Marseille.

France #9: Language Immersion

John ’25, reflects on the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to fully immerse in the language.