Spain #3: A Day Visit to Bolonia

Leila ’25, shares a proud moment from her visit to the coastal village of Bolonia. 

We took our first trip today to the small, yet historic, town of Bolonia. At around 9am, we took off for our journey! Before we arrived in Bolonia we took a quick stop to see the beautiful town of Vejer. Here we took a bunch of pictures of the architecture and of course our model of the day, Walker. But we didn’t stay long as we still had a little ways to go to get to our final destination. After another hour-long drive, at last, we had arrived in Bolonia. We learned the day prior that Bolonia is mostly made up of ruins, those of which we were able to see. We walked through the ruins and the museum but I only had two things on my mind – food and the beach. It was obvious that I wasn’t the only one. So we took a quick lunch break and soon enough it was beach time. Maisy and Vivian raced to the beach and the water was glorious, although a little salty. And after cooling off in the ocean and sunbathing we all decided to embark on a long walk to the sand dune.

The walk to the sand dune wasn’t bad at all but the hardest part for me was climbing the sand dune all the way to the top. So we began to climb and pretty much everyone seemed to walk up the sand dune with ease, I on the other hand was struggling profusely. My legs were burning and my confidence was dwindling as I couldn’t see an end in sight, only sand. At some point I was walking slower than the teachers, so I decided to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to climb the dune. As I walked towards the side of the dune to find a cool place to wait for the group I instead found a path that went through some bushes. I immediately ran through the path and followed it for a while. I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I was going up and that’s all that mattered. The sharp rocks in the sand kept me on my toes and after about five more minutes of following the path I was able to catch up to the group. Everyone cheered and hurried me to join the group photo. I was proud of myself and the group began our descent. But suddenly Izzy noticed that we could have seen the same view from the bottom of the sand dune. There was no point in climbing all the way to the top. But Izzy, Penley, Elena, and I just laughed. I guess the hard work made the view even sweeter.