Summer CSGC Grant Update: Increasing Youth Interest in STEM

In addition to the full-day program we put on at a local camp in July, we ran two additional science Saturdays at the Sunderland Public Library. We did a session on microscopy and cells, and another on 3D printing and design. Each session was about 1.5 hours, and the kids were kept fully engaged with both interactive presentations and experiments. We were able to borrow microscopes from Deerfield, as well as purchase a 3D printer with part of our CSGC grant money.

For each session, we created a slideshow with teaching points and exploratory questions, bought and organized our materials, made a lesson plan, and planned a detailed experiment which allowed the kids to learn about both the topic and the technology.

Our final endeavor, still on-going, is to compile a booklet of all of our experiments, and some additional ones, to distribute at local libraries and schools, and post on our new website, to extend the impact of our program.

– Giorgia ’24, Nainika ’24, Nikhil ’24