Summer CSGC Grant Update: VIOLA: Championing Menstrual Education and Educational Equity for Young Girls

After returning from my trip to Myanmar, where I witnessed firsthand the challenges of menstrual inequity, I was motivated to explore ways through which I could effectively sustain and amplify my efforts to address this issue. Reflecting on the amount of video footage I had captured in Thailand and Myanmar during the course of my project, I decided to create a documentary film to illuminate the issue of menstrual inequity in certain regions of Asia. I am aiming to present my documentary at the CSGC Grant Symposium this fall.

My motivation in creating this documentary is to further raise awareness on menstrual inequity to the Deerfield community and beyond. By showcasing the daily experiences and struggles of women grappling with this issue, I hope to foster understanding and empathy, especially among those fortunate enough to have unimpeded access to feminine hygiene products.

Furthermore, with a commitment to driving tangible change, I have brought back remaining VIOLA products to campus. I am planning to donate these items to local women’s shelters in Franklin County, taking a step towards addressing menstrual inequity in our own community. I believe this local action will contribute to the broader global movement for change that my documentary seeks to advance.

-Lauren ’24