Senior Party 2023 Recap

The Senior Party is a tradition established several years ago as a special way to bring the entire class and their parents together on the Friday evening before graduation. This all-inclusive event features delicious food and drinks, music, and dancing. This year’s event included fun lawn games and a photo booth.

Parents annually fund the Senior Party with additional support from Deerfield. The DPN appreciates all who contribute their resources and time to make this event possible and the support we receive from the Academy. While the DPN sells tickets to the event, our goal is to raise enough money throughout the school year to only charge a nominal amount.

This past event was a smashing success. The beautiful tent went up in the middle of the week. It included seating for everyone and a big dance floor! On the event day, the decorating committee added stunning flower arrangements, green and white runners, tea lights and more. We got lucky with the weather and had a fantastic evening celebrating the great class of 2023. The festivities kicked off at 6:23 pm, and each senior was presented a Deerfield cowboy hat upon arrival. The highlight of the evening was an amazing slideshow choreographed to music showing both a senior’s baby picture and a current photo. The DJ was fantastic, and everyone danced right through the final song.

Nobody wants to wish the time away, but Senior Party is a fun event to look forward to when your son or daughter graduates. Below are a few photos from this year’s event. Our Chair, Jennifer Tonkel, and the entire Senior Party Committee deserve a shout-out for working so hard to put on this incredible party!