Spain #12: A Change of Pace

Leila ’25, recounts a morning visit to a “beautiful yet edgy art gallery” followed by a stop at the central market.

Class was different today. Instead of just sitting in class and reading our packets, our teacher decided that today we were going to go on an adventure. We were going back to the historic district of Cadiz! We hopped on the already overflowing bus and walked deep into the city to hit our first stop. We walked into a museum to see a very beautiful yet edgy art gallery called “Valle de los Caídos”. We had to go to certain art pieces and either describe the painting in Spanish or think of the meaning behind it. Then we had to go outside and although I missed the air conditioning in the museum, we left to go get a snack. We ate in a little park and I bought this ham and cheese bagel. After Vivian and Gabe played on the swings and Walker gracefully slid down the pole, we all headed to our last stop, the Central Market.

All the amazing food on display was something that I had never seen before. The outer square of the market was mostly meat but in the center was seafood heaven. The amount of seafood present was mind boggling and Penley and I even saw sharks being sold for the first time. I craved the delectable food so much that I called my mother and told her I must be greeted with a great seafood feast as soon as I touched American soil. However, the long day got to us all and we headed back home and rested before getting ready for dinner. The dinner was immaculate and everything tasted so fresh. Emily made a good pasta mix and the appetizers were delicious. Once we finished we got ice cream and Penley and I decided to walk on the shore while taking a few photos. Because this trip has been so amazing I’ve been slacking on taking photos. I kinda need to lock in since we only have a few days left in Spain!



