Summer CSGC Grant Update: The importance of individual impact on the environment

Kabir ’25 teaches younger students about the importance of making an individual impact on the environment with an interactive planting activity. 

This summer, I had the opportunity to work with the La Jolla Riford Public Library and the Southeast San Diego Science & Art Expo to organize two separate Reduce, Reuse, Recycle workshops with a sustainable plant activity. I also planned to implement a native seed library at Riford with the help of the San Diego Audubon Society; however, due to late approval, I wasn’t able to secure the physical seed library or the seeds before the end of the summer. I hope to complete the project next summer.

In mid-July, I hosted my first workshop at the La Jolla library, teaching elementary and middle school students about the importance of making an individual impact on the environment through day-to-day choices regarding reducing, reusing, and recycling. With a slideshow, video, and group discussion, students learned about sustainability in their own lives. In addition, I had prepared 2L soda bottles, sponges, soil, and beet seedlings prior to the workshop, allowing the students to take home a repurposed planter and care for their very own vegetable plant. Each student also took home a flier detailing care instructions and showing how to recycle in the city of San Diego (image below).

Fun fact: The planters are self-watering! In the images below, you can see how they work.

Later, in August, I teamed up with Deerfield alumni Kevin Gonzalez and Diego Soto Lopez to lead a similar workshop outside of the Malcolm X Library in Valencia Park. Our station was a part of the Southeast San Diego Science & Art Expo. I set up the seedlings and soda bottles prior to the event, and together, Kevin, Diego, and I helped students take plants home, similar to the workshop in July. All in all, we were able to give out over 40 plants, and inspire the next generation to work towards sustainable living.

Based on the success of our event, Kevin, Diego, and I plan to continue leading similar projects in the future. We’re hoping to replicate the planting workshop exactly as well as implement more educational workshops in the Valencia Park. 

Overall, my summer CSGC project went really well. I hope I inspired a new generation of environmental stewards, and I hope to lead similar workshops in the future.