The Bahamas #1: Island School Arrival

Baokun ’25 and Jaydon ’26, describe the groups arrival to the Island School, where the group will be based out of for the next couple of days exploring marine ecology and sustainable efforts.

Starting with a 5:00 AM wake up, we picked ourselves up from bed, hopped on a shuttle and went to JFK. We took two flights: one to Nassau, and one to Eleuthera. Before our first flight, we had some time to grab breakfast: some people went to Dunkin while others got healthier options. We met a hoard of Choate seniors heading off to their senior trip at the Bahamas on our first flight.

When we landed in Eleuthera, we met our hosts from the Island School. We decided as a group that the best way to have a good time together was to give our phones in and so we did. That was when it first started drizzling outside, but it wasn’t raining hard so we didn’t think much about it. However, as we got into a van and began our drive to the Island School the rain gradually started getting heavier. Eventually it grew into a total downpour – so much so that we could not see the road ahead of us. There was also lots of thunder and lighting, but after the storm, we saw a rainbow.

We got dinner after unpacking – which is very different from our dining hall, Dhall. You are only allowed to get seconds 40 minutes after dinner starts. The meal was very good and we tried orange watermelon which was very interesting and tasty. After dinner, we had an orientation to the Island School at the Hallig and learned the importance of sustainability here at the Island school. All trash that can not be recycled is incinerated, which further emphasizes why we should sort our trash. As we all lay in bed we realize how much Jaydon’s pillow has gone through and hope it has a better day tomorrow among its fellow sheets.