Panama #1: First Day

Taylor ’27 and Will ’27, recount the groups first day experience in the San Blas Islands.

After we spent the night catching up on sleep we started our drive to the shore of the Atlantic. Our drive was about three hours long and consisted of some bumpy and challenging roads. Then, we waited to take the boats over to one of the many San Blas Islands. After shortly arriving, we were greeted graciously by the indigenous group (the Kuna) living on the island. We were also able to eat lunch, which was curry-spiced hand caught fish. Soon after lunch, we settled into our cabins and took a tour of this tiny island (Tuba Senika). During our tour, we got to meet some of the local people and then soon headed out to snorkel in the waters off shore where we saw coral reefs and vibrant fish. After, everyone played volleyball, showered and got ready for dinner which was fried chicken and fries.

Overall, today was full of travel and contentment especially for the upcoming days. Tomorrow, we head out to a nearby Kuna village to interview them about their views on the quality of their drinking water.