Summer CSGC Grant Update: Tutti: Youth Fundraising Concert Series to Support Local Public Library

Public libraries are an integral part of any community. Libraries offer free access to a myriad of educational resources and host events for all ages. The Jones Library, located in Amherst, MA, has launched an ambitious renovation plan and is currently raising funds for the construction that is scheduled to begin in early 2024. Over the summer, I will host, MC, and perform three benefit concerts at and for the Jones Library, exclusively featuring youth musicians in the area.

As a musician and avid reader, my goal is to give back to the community by not only supporting the library, but also connecting local young musicians. Since my preschool musician years, I truly enjoyed performing in many community venues, such as a local children’s museum, a children’s hospital, as well as my state’s capital. I hope to bring youth musicians together to perform for a good cause in Amherst, a small town where opportunities for community performances can be difficult to come by, especially for younger musicians.

In June, I met with the Campaign Manager (Ginny Hamilton) and the Head of Youth Services (Mia Cabana) at the Jones Library to go over logistics for the concert series. I have chosen three dates in the summer and early fall to host the concerts, and have designed a poster which will be circulated on the Jones Library’s weekly newsletter and social media accounts.

Tutti, the title of my concert series, is a musical term which directs a group of voices or instruments to play together. In a similar vein, I hope to establish a sense of togetherness through music while giving back to our local public library.

-Yoonsa ’25