The Bahamas #4: Down Island

Reed ’24, Lucas ’24, and Diego ’24, share a highlight of their day.

Today we woke up early to get ready for our down island trip (DIT). On the down island trip we explored the island we have been staying on, Eleuthera. The night before we got a lesson on the history of Eleuthera and our first stop was Preacher’s cave, a significant site in Eleutheran history. Preacher’s cave is where the first English settlers of the Bahamas, the Puritans, shipwrecked and stayed. It was a beautiful landmark that we really enjoyed visiting.

After boiling in the Bahaman sun, we decided that we needed to cool off. So, we jumped into the vans and fired up some singalong tunes as we drove to our next stop on the trip, the Saphire Blue Hole. When we arrived, we quickly donned our swimsuits, grabbed our towels and snorkels, and ran over to the hole. There was a cliff jumping spot where even the most scared of us took the plunge. It was a really fun time.

After some lunch and a quick stop at a gift shop, we arrived at Cocodimama beach. We had an amazing time relaxing in the warm water. A football was thrown around and several sea creatures were dug up. It was so nice no one wanted to leave. Our guides only managed to extract us from the water with promises of ice cream, and they delivered. We drove a few minutes to Sabrina’s ice cream shop where we had some great ice cream.

After dinner, our guides took us down to the marina so we could float down the natural lazy river. Our relaxed float was interrupted by the exciting site of a harmless nurse shark swimming right under our feet. After that awesome experience we all packed up to take some much needed showers and get to bed.

Reed: My favorite part of today was visiting Sabrina’s ice cream shop. The ice cream was sweet, but Sabrina was sweeter. She was really nice, sharing her home-grown mangos with me and was all around really welcoming. It was a nice chill moment after a long day on the road.

Diego: My favorite thing that we did today was visiting the blue hole. It was nice to cool off in the water after sweating in Preacher’s Cave even though the jump into it was a little terrifying. Climbing out was also pretty tough but it was a good workout.

Lucas: I loved the Cocodimama beach and I think it is the best beach that I have ever been to. It was amazing how blue the water was and for how long away from the shore it stayed shallow. It was fun to pass the football around with my friends and talk to them. To conclude, the water was almost like a hot-tub making there almost no shock factor when you got into the water.