Colombia #4: Los Nogales

Melissa ’24 and Julia ’24, share the groups visit to Los Nogales, where students participated in a Spanish class and peer discussions.

Today we woke up at 7:00AM, followed by a nice breakfast and were on our way to Los Nogales, a private school for students from kindergarten to high school. Once getting there at 9:00AM, we were greeted by a kind group of 9th graders, all in uniforms. We first played and ice-breaker game in which we created a list of fun criteria and had to find people who satisfied them. Shortly after, students from both schools split up into three groups and took turns attending a Spanish class, exploring the campus, and discussing the cultures of both schools.

The Spanish class was held in an auditorium where students in the class gave speeches on topics of their interests ranging from mental health to AI. The campus of Los Nogales is big, surrounded by nature and, in many ways, similar to Deerfield. For example, in Los Nogales there are buildings dedicated to the arts, athletics, and academics, all connected by lawn in between. In the discussions, we talked about the differences in school culture and the schedules. Similar to Hogwarts in Harry Potter, Los Nogales has houses, and competitions among those houses.

Overall, it was a fun, action filled, and educational day.