Italy #6: To Your Left

Alexandra ’25, describes a museum visit exploring Neolithic period artifacts, a scenic six-hour drive, and an enjoyable dinner with good food and great company.

Snoozing my alarm for the fifth time I decide that it’s finally time to get out of bed. After having an awakening shower and packing up my bag to say goodbye to yet another comfortable hotel room; I head upstairs to breakfast. Walking through the elevator doors I am welcomed by the polite staff and the quiet chatter of some of the group members mixed with the wonderful aroma of cappuccinos. I joined the group to enjoy filled croissants with mixed fruit on the side.

After breakfast we begin the first part of our journey: the museum. We arrived early enough to the museum that we are the first people to enter the building. Inside are a series of artifacts and inscriptions dating back from the Neolithic period (around the 10th millennium BC) all the way up to the Bronze Age. We took a look at many different types of artifacts such as; pottery that was used to grind grain. We were able to witness the precise attention to detail that the artist had put into these statues; attention to the hands, hair and feet are just some of the things that we pointed out about the statue.

After our small escapade through the museum it was time to take on the biggest event of the day: our six hour drive.

The drive was full of beautifully green scenery. Dozens of trees and other agriculture planted in long concise straight lines. Mountains so large that their tops peek into the clouds. The hills were colored in different shades of green, healthy and thriving. The plants and grass covered almost every inch of the scenery leaving practically no room for other colors. A therapeutic and reflective wave fell on our bus as we either slept or soaked in the beautiful outside. Though we still had the occasional drive break or singing that broke the comfortable silence of the bus.

Finally after what felt like ages of driving we arrived at our next one night hotel. We enjoyed a small stroll to dinner after dropping off our luggage in our room. While dining on a series of different meals: clams with spaghetti or grilled mixed veggies, we found contentment in each other’s company. Making each other laugh with awful pickup lines while enjoying good gelato or cake.