Become a “Big” – Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer Opportunity for Juniors

BBBS’s is now accepting applications. There are many local children eager to be matched with great Bigs!

If you are not familiar with the program, read on for more information:

Big Brothers Big Sisters, a national mentoring program, pairs junior students at Deerfield Academy in 1:1 “matches” with children from the local community.  In a typical year, the “Bigs” and “Littles” spend time together here on campus every Friday evening: walking around campus together, eating in the dining hall, playing basketball in the gym, dancing in the dance studio, and throwing footballs and Frisbees around outside.  It is a great way to help a child by providing the friendship and guidance of a positive role model, but mostly it is just a lot of fun!  This year, as with everything else in our lives, we’ve had to make adjustments.  For the 2020-2021 academic year, Bigs and Littles get together on Zoom for half an hour every Friday evening where they have found creative ways to have fun and bond in a virtual environment.

If you are interested in becoming a Big, please complete the following Confidential Volunteer Application Form online by Wednesday, December 9, 2020. Big Brothers Big Sisters will contact you soon after to schedule an interview.

If you would like more information about the program, please contact Jill Ryan at Big Brothers Big Sisters: