
This course offers an introduction to the derivative and the integral and their applications. The pace of this course allows for some review of precalculus

Growing Up Girl

This course starts with Jo March, the star of Little Women and the nineteenth century’s most famous literary girl, because Jo March had a problem.

Acc Algebra and Precalculus

This course is intended for students who have earned credits in Algebra I and Geometry only by the end of their sophomore year. In addition,

Off the Shelf: A Tutorial

The tutorial approach to learning is a very old method of education that allows students to explore ideas on their own terms. For this class,

Honors Precalculus

This course is designed as a continuation of MAT309. The topics covered in this honors course include all those listed under MAT405 but the pace

Creative Nonfiction Workshop

Literature has an historical precedent of transmuting the realities of human existence into compelling narratives, thus accommodating an impulse articulated by Nietzsche when he wrote,

Honors Algebra II

The course follows the same material as MAT305 but in greater depth. Students in this class are frequently asked to solve non-routine problems and to

Black Women’s Writing

This course focuses on the ways in which in the past two centuries Black women writers have engaged with the intersection of Blackness and femaleness

Algebra II A

This course is intended for students who have had success in MAT105 and MAT205 or the equivalent. The course material is developed with an emphasis

American Identities

America comprises a patchwork of ethnicities, races, religions, and personal experiences. As the country has grown over the past 250 years, individuals have struggled to

Algebra II

This course meets the standards of a second year algebra course, and is designed for students whose background indicates a need for a review of

History of Opium

Heroin, “Oxy,” fentanyl, carfentanil. These drug names, along with names of pharmaceutical companies set to pay billions in fines and civil liability, punctuate news stories