
This course is designed for students who would benefit from significant reinforcement of topics from Algebra I as they pertain to geometric problems. The emphasis

Voices & Visions of Justice

Empathetically envisioning the ideals of equitable societies and developing their distinctive, expressive voices as writers and thinkers, ninth graders explore familiar and unfamiliar lives and

Intro to Film and Video

This course offers an opportunity for creative expression through the medium of videography. For inspiration, we will study current films and the history of film


This course offers an introduction to the derivative and the integral and their applications. The pace of this course allows for some review of precalculus

Honors Precalculus

This course is designed as a continuation of MAT309. The topics covered in this honors course include all those listed under MAT405 but the pace

Honors Algebra II

The course follows the same material as MAT305 but in greater depth. Students in this class are frequently asked to solve non-routine problems and to

Algebra II A

This course is intended for students who have had success in MAT105 and MAT205 or the equivalent. The course material is developed with an emphasis

Algebra II

This course meets the standards of a second year algebra course, and is designed for students whose background indicates a need for a review of

Geometry A

This course integrates material from both plane and solid geometry. However, the development of the material requires extensive use of the skills and concepts already

Algebra IA

This course is designed for a student who has already studied some or much of the material that is covered in a typical first year

Algebra I

This is a course in first year algebra with emphasis on such topics as the properties of the real number system, solving first degree sentences

French 3 Honors

The honors track for level 3 continues exposure to advanced grammatical structures, which includes all tenses within the indicative and subjunctive moods, and a more