Spain #14: Puerto de Santa María

Penley ’25, describes a visit to Puerto de Santa María. 

Today started off bright and early at 7:30am for breakfast. Breakfast was the usual: a croissant with Nutella and a cup of coffee. I enjoyed my breakfast with my roommate Leila, after doing so we both got ready to meet the group at our school and head to the ferry to go visit Puerto de Santa María. After a short ferry ride we arrived at Puerto de Santa María and began the walk to our first destination of the day, the castle of San Marcos. At the castle we had a tour, learned about the interesting history of the castle, and got to sample a mosto, a non-alcoholic wine like drink, from the castle’s wine cellar. After our tour we took a quick lunch break before going to a couple more locations. We then had a couple of hours of free time in Puerto de Santa María. I spent my time having a Colombian batido and practicing flamenco with Antonio.

Once home my roommate Leila and I got ready for dinner out with some friends. Leila and I shared a dish that was very similar to paella, which was really good. After dinner we all took a short walk to get some gelato and talk a little more before Leila and I went home. At home Leila and I ended our night packing and getting ready for tomorrow’s trip to Malaga!



