Summer CSGC Grant Update: The Style of Happiness

Nathan ’26 and Tyler ’26 share their talents with community members by offering free haircuts while making profound connections. 

As the summer draws to a close, reflecting on I, Tyler Christopher Long’s involvement with the non-profit organization, the Revive Center, alongside Nathan Adu-Gyebi, fills me with immense gratitude and fulfillment. As important as it is to provide approving haircuts, what matters most is that we form profound connections and relationships with those we encounter.

Working within the vibrant community on the South side of Chicago, we felt privileged to contribute our talents. Whether we were traversing the streets with our massive backpacks brimming with essential equipment or taking part in local festivals alongside alumni Ephraim Tony Tutu ’24 to provide free haircuts, the experience amplified my understanding of the significance of serving others for fostering joy and contentment. It was tremendously satisfying to dedicate our skills and time to enhancing the appearance and confidence of each individual.

The heartfelt smiles and expressions of gratitude we received were truly heartwarming. In a typical scenario, a haircut could cost anywhere from $45 to $75, so easing this financial responsibility for others validated the success of our endeavors. Lastly, we appreciate the CSGC for allowing us to give back to the community and help others. Taking part in this grant has made our summer very special.