Summer CSGC Grant Update: Engineering and STEM Innovation

Baokun ’25, looks to share her passion in engineering by raising STEM awareness to young females in her local neighborhood.

This summer, I was lucky enough to receive two grants from the CSGC office – both of which will aid me in pursuing my passion in engineering. The first grant – the Women’s Initiative grant – helped me pay tuition to attend Johns Hopkin’s Engineering Innovation program in order to expose me to different engineering fields. This way, I will have more knowledge about this field that I’m interested in studying in college and later on for my career. Currently, I have learned aspects chemical, mechanical, and computer engineering. I’ve also been able to engage with engineering professionals through career panels at Johns Hopkins which helped me decide which engineering field I am most interested in pursuing.

Later this summer, I will be using all the information I learned at engineering camp to teach children at my local neighborhood in Brussels, Belgium (with a specific emphasis on female students). This will be accomplished with the help of my other CSGC summer grant. When I was studying in Brussels before I came to Deerfield, I noticed that a lot of young children in my area lacked exposure and access to high level STEM activities. Sure, they had math classes, but not any hands-on labs or creative projects. Furthermore, many girls are dissuaded from learning STEM due to an ingrained stigma. So, I want to share my passion in engineering with these kids and build some 3D design engineering projects with them. My end goal is to raise awareness about STEM in my local neighborhood and provide hands-on experiences to these children.