United Kingdom #7: Grateful for The Experience

For our final blog entry, students were asked to complete three different sentences to reflect on our trip to Bristol and our time together in the UK. These are the sentences they had to complete, and following are their responses:

In Bristol, I saw…

If I were to return to Bristol, I would want to learn more about…

Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel…

Jade ’25: In Bristol, I saw several of Banksy’s artworks, along with the works of other artists, such as Mr Cenz and Phlegm. Bristol is rich in street art, and we listened to a tour guide who was knowledgeable about the evolution of street art in Bristol. If I were to return to Bristol, I would want to learn more about how Banksy has influenced politics and society through street art. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about various art styles and gain new perspectives.

Ruby ’26: In Bristol, I saw lots of beautiful street art surrounding by a different view of British life and culture. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about the specific artists in street art and British culture. Looking back at my time in the UK, I feel fulfilled towards the improvements in my art skills, tired after a long but fun week and more diverse within art styles. 

Ryan ’26: In Bristol, I saw the power of friendship and beauty of street arts. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about cultural and artistic differences. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel I learned to see instead of to look. 

Melanie ’25: In Bristol, I saw a narrow hidden street full of tags and graffiti art. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about classical British art styles and the royal academy. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel happy. 

Minjoo ’27: In Bristol, I saw a multitude of different street art styles. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about sculpting and the use of marble/clay in England. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from this program. 

Jazmine ’25: In Bristol, I saw tons of different street art and artists actively working on a painting on a wall, which gave Bristol so much life and color and showed the voices of the people of Bristol and what their values are. If I were to return, I would like to hear more about how the street art and Banksy has either helped or negatively impacted Bristol, and what the opinions of the citizens of Bristol are on Banksy. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel like I have learned a lot about drawing and painting, especially since it’s an art form I knew little about at the beginning of this trip, and I feel like I have gained a greater understanding and appreciation of the art form.

Hazel ’26: In Bristol, I saw captivating, meaningful street art. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about the origins of street art and more about current or more recent art in the UK. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel very content with everything we’ve done, and happy to have met or gotten to know better all the people on this trip.

Amadeo ’25: In Bristol, I saw lots of graffiti style art on building walls. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about what cultural factors influenced the rapid growth of street art in Bristol in the 1980s. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel very fulfilled and grateful for all the learning experiences we have had.

Matthew ’25: In Bristol, I saw… A flurry of fascinating murals and graffiti from some familiar and some new artists. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about… The interactions and relationships between the public and the street artists in Bristol. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel… Both saddened that we couldn’t see more and satisfied with the new information and new experiences I’ve had.  

Harm ’26: In Bristol, I saw beautiful pieces of art, including concepts and art styles that I had never seen before. In addition, I got a chance to see how different the culture and general city of Bristol is from the city of London. I also enjoyed viewing the transition from the City to the Countryside when we went on the train, it was a cool part of the UK that I thought was interesting.

If I were to return, I would want to learn more about the overall introduction of street art in Bristol. Though our tour guide did tell us a bit about the origins of it, I would love to go more into depth with the specific people that brought street art to Bristol, as well as why they had the urge to bring it. Also, it could be cool to learn about if any of the artists got any pushback when starting street art, and what tactics they used to overcome it.

Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel extremely grateful to have had this opportunity. Not only did I learn so much about my own art, but I also was lucky enough to learn about other people’s art, and how they use it to express themselves. A way that I’ll use my experience from this trip in my life, is just drawing when I feel creative. I’ve found that I really appreciate sitting down and letting my creativity roam. 

Nathan ’26: In Bristol I saw incredible street art and many different styles of street art. If I were to return, I would want to learn more about the different street artists, and their origins and what led them to being artists. Looking back on my time in the UK, I feel blessed to have been granted the opportunity to go on this trip.

On our final day in London, we gathered at Central Saint Martins School by the canal. Each student picked two of their favorite artworks from the trip, and they shared them with the group. We concluded that closing ceremony by writing a postcard to “our future selves” to remind us of this special moment we spent together as a group. We then explored Camden Market and returned to the hotel to pack our things. Our final activity will be dinner as a group and then a theater show, which will conclude our trip in the UK. This has been a truly incredible experience with an amazing group of students. We are all so grateful for our time together!