Spain #4: Old Cadiz

Luka ’25, recounts a typical Sunday in Cadiz.

Today was our first Sunday in Cadiz. Most of the stores we passed by were closed. This ‘day off’ is great, since it serves as a national rest day, where workers can spend time with family or for leisure. My roommates –Walker and Gabe– and I both woke up at around nine in the morning and got ready for the day. Our host mother Isabel prepared us our usual breakfast, which consisted of either coffee or tea, buttered toast bread, various jams, packaged muffins and chocolates, and fruit. Our host father Alberto usually woke up after we departed, and today was no exception. We left the house to meet up with the group after finishing our meals.

When the whole group united at the school, altogether, we walked down to the bus stop, and boarded the bus to Old Cadiz (the historic part of Cadiz). We arrived after a few stops along the way, and started off on our adventure. Alicia, our tour guide, led the way for the group, and taught us about the city. We winded our way through the alleys of the city of white buildings. We arrived at la Torre Tavira, the tallest watchtower in Old Cadiz. A tour guide of the watchtower accompanied us as we climbed up the stairs. The guide led us to a dark room, with a circular thin tub, which showed a magnified view of all of Old Cadiz. It worked using optics, and the image casted could be focused or modified by raising or lowering the tub. After, we climbed to the very top, and took pictures of our surroundings and also each other. When we came back down, we traveled to the markets and explored in groups. Some people bought things; Walker bought a silver bracelet; Vivian, Maisy, and Emily all purchased clothing from a certain shop; Penley bought a coffee that she was in dire need of. After our time was up, we returned via bus and each went back to our apartments.

After eating a lunch that consisted of pasta and fish, all the kids decided to go to the beach. At the beach, we played tennis with our paddle rackets and the paddle ball, and swam in the water. Most of us went over to the taco shop, where we ordered food, drinks, and played fun card games. Izzy and Emily won our game of BS. We went to the volleyball courts, and were joined by our professor, Ms. Calcaterra, and her husband Mario. We were also joined by a group of Spanish natives who helped us get better at the game. After a few more hours, we all departed from the beach. My roommates and I went back to our apartments, showered, and ate dinner with our host parents. Our day was officially concluded!