France #12: Paris

Mr. Romick, shares an overview of the various experiences students were exposed to during their time in Paris.

As the group ended the trip in Paris, students were exposed to a wide array of experiences. Each day was full of opportunities for students to engage with the art, history, architecture, and culture of Paris, and some students truly seized the opportunity to learn more about this famous city. The itinerary included stops at the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Les Invalides, L’Orangerie, the Centre Pompidou, and the Rodin museum. When not visiting museums, students had the opportunity to explore various neighborhoods such as the Marais, Faubourg, the Latin Quarter, and Montmartre. Some students used this time to shop for gifts in large international chain stores and seek out comforts from home like McDonald’s, others ventured to delve more deeply into French culture and explore with a more intricate eye.

The nights offered students the chance to explore Paris from a different perspective. Whether we were having a picnic on the banks of the Seine, watching jazz musicians in a historic club, or dancing in the streets during Fête de la Musique, students were able to experience a taste of the famous “white nights” of Paris in June. The last days proved challenging in terms of language immersion, as half the students began speaking mostly in English as they sensed their time in France drawing to a close. Hopefully the experience was useful and thought-provoking to everyone involved.