The Bahamas #6: Goodbye Island School

Jason ’27 and Cori ’25, share the groups final day activities at the Island School and reflect on the strong bonds and memories that have been created. 

We started off today by waking up at 7 in the morning to go to beach yoga. Murph showed us a series of yoga poses and breathing techniques for us to try. After a relaxing yoga session, we went to breakfast at 8am to eat muffins, eggs, and cereal. After breakfast, we went back to our dorm to deep clean and tidy our belongings into our suitcases. After our cleaning session, we went to High Rock under the blazing sun after a two mile bike ride. Despite the arduous workout, the scenery of the clear Caribbean ocean made the hard work worth it.

As we looked down at the clear water waiting below us, we felt intimidated by a considerable drop of 15 feet. However, the encouragement from each team member gave us the confidence to make the greatest leap in our lives. As each of us jumped off the cliff, memories of the trip rushed through our minds: singing in car rides, party vans and blasting music, ice cream at the Sabrina’s, cave explorations. This jump at the High Rocks was particularly special for us, as it was the last swim and the last challenge that we, as a whole team, faced together.

We went back to the Island School campus to eat our last filling lunch before piling our luggage into the van and preparing to say our final goodbyes to the island of Eleuthera. On our bus ride to the airport, each one of us chose a song to play and we all sang and danced along to it. Arriving at the Eleuthera airport, we felt a bittersweet feeling as each of us knew that this adventure was coming to an end soon.

Throughout this trip, we created an unbreakable bond between each and every one of us that will last for the rest of our Deerfield lives. We are excited to share everything that we learned at the Island School with the rest of the Deerfield community to make a better place for everyone.

-Jason ’27 and Cori ’25