Panama #6: Creating Lasting Memories

Anneke ’25, Campbell ’26, and Julian ’25, recount the group’s last day in Panama and are grateful for the strong friendships and memories that have been made.

Our trip in Panama has been a blast. Today, Mr. Bryant woke us up early so we could pack and depart from the jungle, in Mamoní.  We jumped in the trucks and drove the dirt roads for the last time to Panama City. We ate some delicious lunch at the food court near the famous Panama Canal, then learned about its history and even watched the process of boats passing through. After that, we had the afternoon to ourselves to explore the old part of Panama city, where we bought Panama hats and mango ice cream. Our group came together for one last meal at a restaurant in the old city.

Over the course of the week, our group of strangers became a tight knit unit, as we moved from island to jungle city. We encountered many animals unique to Panama: sloths, monkeys, and bullet ants, to name a few. We shared laughter, compost toilets, and volleyball games, along with making memories to last us through Spring term. We value the time we spent getting to know each other and this beautiful country, and would not trade this past week for anything. Tomorrow morning, we wake up at 3:45am to catch our planes back home, but our group is forever bonded and we will carry our Panama spirit back to Deerfield with us!