Panama #3: Island to Rainforest

Eva ’26 and Oscar ’26, share the groups journey to the Mamoni research center, where they will participate in various research projects throughout the next couple of days.

Our third day in the wonderful country of Panama began and ended with a common theme of appreciation. With deep regret, we waved goodbye to the San Blas Islands and realized all too late the natural, untapped beauty of the island, free of the human-imposed blemishes. We then drove back through the mountains and arrived at the waterfall where we jumped off small rocks and swam in the crystal-clear water (the first fresh water we had felt in days). We ate plantains and rice out of a banana leaf with a nut shell as a spoon for lunch, after which we began our four mile hike.

We trekked through farms, traversed rivers, and watched as the arid, red dirt transformed into the lush, rich soil of the rain forest. We acquainted ourselves with our Mamoni reserve friends and were familiarized with our living situation. After a brief swim in the natural pool and a somewhat heated game of volleyball, we voraciously devoured tacos prepared by the reserve as the surrounding guests marveled at our gargantuan appetites. Following our feast, we came together to reflect upon the luxury of our new home, and found our hearts filled with gratitude by the fresh (and hot) water showers and ample servings at dinner. The night concluded with card games and a shared appreciation for the untouched flora and fauna surrounding us. The two of us feel blessed to have this opportunity to experience another culture and environment, worlds apart from our own. We do not, however, appreciate the mosquito bites.