Summer CSGC Grant Update: Paws4Good

Using my CSGC grant I was able to set up a website for my nonprofit and file all necessary paperwork to become registered as a 501 (c)(3) organization. From there, I connected with outreach organizations in my local area informing them about Paws4Good’s mission and inquiring if they had any clients who could use our help. Within days I had a flood of responses, as many of the outreach centers had clients that needed financial support for caring for their pets, but the outreach centers did not have the resources to provide them with that.

We set up a tent at the local dog park to raise awareness for Paws4Good’s cause at a place that is frequented by animal lovers. The event was a success, and we were able to gain many followers of Instagram and had many people stop by and listen to our cause. Additionally, many people donated money, and we raised around $200 in three hours.

Below are pictures from the event:

I was able to establish a partnership with one of the outreach centers, nourish.NJ, and since the beginning of August we have already assisted five clients with their pet needs. Three clients came to us for pet supply help, and we were able to provide them with pet basics such as collars, toys, and a months supply of food for each of them, using the money raised from the dog park event. Another client had a dog who desperately needed a veterinary visit and dental procedure, which was a larger cost so a large portion of the grant money went to helping that client. One client was living in a motel and desperately needed food and supplies for her cat, so we were able to provide that.

Below are pictures sent in by nourish.NJ clients and staff of their pets, testimonials, and thank you’s:

“Thank you so much for the food and treats. I really appreciate it a lot!” – Lynda
“Chase is extremely happy that he was able to receive his monthly meal supply thanks to Paws4Good.” – David
“Bruna is very happy with her food. Thank you, thank you so much!” – Maria
“I have no words to express my gratitude for this great organization that has helped feed my French for another month. It’s been hard lately but he was able to get the diet that he deserves” – anonymous

With the traction that was gained by the help of this grant, I am looking to launch a fundraiser this fall in order to boost Paws4Good’s ability to help and extend its scope to outside of my local community.

-Lexi ’24