The Deerfield History and Social Science Department has received inquiries from students at Milton and Nobles looking to collaborate on their interscholastic scholarly journals.
Milton publishes the Prism Youth Journal of History and Social Science, “an interscholastic high school publication dedicated to disseminating the best of high school writing and research within history and the social sciences, broadly construed.” Its editors also “hope to support students passionate about history and the social sciences by sharing resources, hosting seminars and speakers, and providing direct support to students undertaking original research.”
Nobles publishes Cognito, “a student-run journal of social science and international affairs that publishes opinion articles and academic papers. The journal is an open platform for the free expression of ideas and seeks to encourage dialogue on issues of global importance.”
If you’re interested in exploring partnerships with either publication or in starting a similar journal here at Deerfield, please contact Mr. Hamilton.