Find Your Zen

Anxiety, stress, and sadness. Oh my!

We can get in the habit of being stressed, anxious, and sad. Then we are sad about how anxious, sad, and stressed we were. Then we worry about how we might get anxious, stressed, or sad in the future and are sad and anxious about that. Yikes!

This is where mindfulness and acceptance come in. We can actually train our minds to allow how we are feeling, cutting through the cycle by developing an accepting, compassionate, and mindful state of mind. The more we exercise that muscle the better we get at finding a place of ease in our own mind and body.

Led by Dr. Jackson psychologist and former Buddhist monk, The Open Door drop-in meditation sessions will be a place where you can develop this muscle with a group of peers in a low-stress environment. Everyone is welcome!

Time: Community Time – Thursdays 10:05 am
Place: Room 2120
(Small Yoga Room)
Contact: Dr. Jackson