Summer CSGC Grant Update: “Different Minds, One World!”

The sky was a beautiful orange from the sun’s final glow. The chirping sounds of bugs and the speeding cars blended to form an unorthodoxly peaceful sound. I stepped back to observe my afternoon’s work. My hands were caked with dried paint and my shirt looked almost as colorful as my art. What was once just an old wooden fence now turned into a beautiful mural.

As of writing this, the mural which I have been working on with my CSGC grant is almost complete. Three giraffes now adorn the wooden fence, two larger giraffes overlooking and supporting a younger rainbow-spotted giraffe. A rainbow infinity sign, a symbol of autism, decorates the background, lit up by a bright blue spot. At the forefront are the words, “Different minds, one world!”

This marks the third mural I’ve worked on for the Hopkinton Cultural Council’s Mural project. The theme I focused on this year was inspired by my sister, autism awareness. Growing up with a sister who is on the autism spectrum, I’ve realized the importance of autism awareness. My goal for this mural is to, along with my sister, promote greater awareness and acceptance of mental disabilities such as autism.

Working on the mural has been a group effort with my sister, from the early planning stages to the actual painting of the mural. Through working on this project, not only have I painted a wonderful mural for my town’s community, but I’ve also gotten to get closer to my sister.

I am grateful for this chance to once again contribute my art skills toward something meaningful. I look forward to wrapping up the mural and presenting the final product to both my town and Deerfield Academy.

-Kayleen ’25