Summer CSGC Grant Update: Free Haircuts in Chicago

This summer has been great! I have given 50 hair cuts so far. I’ve been invited to Ghanafest in Chicago to give free haircuts to the Ghanaian community. I’ve been able to have great conversations with strangers and made lots of friends. It’s truly been amazing. I am partnering with a a church and a summer program to provide free haircuts as well.

I have been able to give so many disadvantaged communities and families free haircuts. I have also been told by parents how much of a role model I have become to their sons. I feel I am teaching the youth how to give back. I have had many conversations about God, Education, and just advising young boys against drugs. I had a conversation with one young man and was able to convince him to stop vaping. He tells me about how he’s trying hard to stop and how he has been more cautious since our conversation. I feel so fulfilled to be able to see the joy in peoples faces when they see their haircuts. I also just feel very good to be able to do community service. So many of my clients tell me I am better than their barber, and that their barbers charge 40-70 dollars per haircut. I am so grateful to the CSGC for allowing me to do this. I feel so good about being able to help people. I’ve put together goody bags that include a bottle of water, Gatorade, nature valley bar, some chips, fruit snacks, an apple/banana, and a bible verse/ pamphlet of encouragement. I wouldn’t say the bags are making a drastic change to the community but it just brings a smile to their faces. I don’t really know why, but people don’t understand why someone would just give them a free haircut and some snacks. They are always shocked by the kindness. Chicago isn’t really known for having kind young people. I find the goody bags are kind of like a pass it on type thing. It encourages my clients to do an act of kindness for someone else. I am honestly hoping I can do a similar grant during the school year because this has truly been amazing experience.

-Ephraim ’24