The Bahamas #5: Sleep, Snorkeling, and Sharks!

Chloe ’25 and Jazmine ’25, recount a visit to Lighthouse Beach.

Today we were graced with a sleep-in, after waking up no later than 6am this entire trip. We woke up at 7:45am, ate some Cheerios, and got ready for our snorkeling trip. The girls’ dorm was filled with the aroma of bug spray, after we realized that 30% Deet was simply not enough. We went out on the boats, and stopped at three different reef patches to put our newfound fish and reef knowledge to good use. We returned back to shore, ate lunch, and then left for Lighthouse beach. Last night we learned of the construction Disney is planning there for a cruise ship port, and we decided to take a different route to avoid blocked roads. Our different route did get us to the beach, however it was a rough and bumpy ride! The beach was worth it however, and one of our trip guides considers it to be the most beautiful beach she’s ever seen, which perfectly sums up just how amazing this beach was. We went back to the Island School and had some downtime before dinner. We’re the only group left at the school, so the dining hall was empty except for us. We ended our day learning about sharks and ways we can help protect them, which will lead us into our activities tomorrow involving sharks.

Chloe: My favorite part of the day was going to lighthouse beach; the bumpy ride was very fun, and added to the excitement. The water was beautiful and I spent hours in it, which resulted in losing another earring, but it was worth it. Although I now have lots of mosquito bites, everything about today was super fun, especially learning about sharks. I never realized how much we endangered them. Did you know humans kill 11,000 sharks per hour? I can’t wait to catch them tomorrow.

Jazmine: Even though we were allowed to sleep in, I still woke up at 6:45am after growing accustomed to our early wake up times. I made good use of my time, however, and finished a book I borrowed from Olivia, a friend of mine also on the trip. I enjoyed the snorkeling we did in the morning. My highlight of the day was sitting in the van with Aye and Izzy and just focusing on Rihanna playing in the background.