OICL Needs Ambassadors … Like You!

The Office of Inclusion and Community Life (OICL) Ambassadors work with the Director of Inclusion and Community Life to help to create, plan, and execute programming on campus. This includes but is not limited to the following:

– Attending training sessions to enhance knowledge and improve skills in the realms of cultural competence, emotional intelligence, character education, deliberation, and facilitation;
– Organizing and facilitating educational workshops for various student constituencies (e.g., proctors, dorm residents, alliance and club leaders, etc.);
– Supporting and collaborating with other student leaders across campus;
– Preparing OICL presentations and videos for School Meetings;
– Coordinating and planning logistics for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, including student workshops;
– Creating OICL webpage content, composing Student Bulletin posts, making school announcements, designing flyers, and working with the Communications Office to inform the Deerfield community about OICL activities and events;
– Coordinating and co-facilitating monthly Community Forum conversations;
– Promoting  inclusion in day-to-day campus life (e.g., being an upstander in unsupervised spaces when peers exhibit exclusionary behavior)
– Working on other projects and responsibilities as assigned by the Director of Inclusion and Community Life

The time commitment for this position is approximately two hours each week from September to May, plus events, which are approximately an additional two hours per term.

Desired Skills and Dispositions

– Ability to work collaboratively with the Director of Inclusion and Community Life and other OICL Ambassadors
– Strong public speaking skills and the ability to facilitate group discussions
– Effective time management and the ability to meet deadlines
– Strong organizational skills
– Timely and responsive communication (e.g., via email)

If this interests you, please apply to be an Ambassador.