Successful proposals typically include a statement about goals for the project and an accounting of logistical considerations like weekly schedule, location, and, as appropriate, transportation. Each project must have a faculty advisor, with whom the student meets weekly to review progress. Beyond these routine meetings, a project advisor is responsible for end-of-term comments and a paragraph submitted online as a “cocurricular report.” All Cocurricular Alternatives must include 1) a health and fitness component–with a plan for weekly exercise and check-in with Ms. Theriault–and 2) a public performance or demonstration at the term’s end. At that time, all final project materials should be submitted or presented to the Cocurricular Alternatives Committee. Any student submitting two cocurricular alternative proposals in one academic year must ensure that at least one of those projects includes work in a collaborative, team context.
When requested by the Cocurricular Alternatives Committee as part of its approval for a given alternative, permission and liability forms must be signed by parents/guardians before the project begins at the start of the term.
Failure to complete the fitness component of the Cocurricular Alternative project, as outlined in the proposal, will result in Accountability Points.
Apply HERE to complete the proposal.