ELC Buddies After School Meeting on Wednesdays

ELC Buddies on Wednesdays this Spring

Do you enjoy babysitting? Or playing with employee children on campus? Then ELC Buddies is for you! ELC Buddies is a weekly opportunity for Deerfield students to play with children from the Early Learning Center (ELC), Deerfield Academy’s childcare center. On Wednesdays after School Meeting, from 10:25 to 11:15  am, the ELC children travel to the Field House to play. Children enjoy kickball, tag, and other games such as Duck, Duck, Goose, and Red Light Green Light. We invite Deerfield students to join the ELC children in the field house during this time. Many employee children are enrolled at the ELC, so you will likely see some familiar faces at ELC Buddies. You would need to be free during 2nd or 5th period (depending on the week) to participate, and I know the ELC students and teachers love having some DA students join.

If you are interested in joining (and are free during 2nd or 5th period), please email CSGC to let us know, and we can send more details. If you are free during 2nd period tomorrow, please visit the Field House to check it out!