Summer CSGC Grant Update: Project Learn: Youth Scientific Enrichment

In the 21st century, innovation and scientific discovery are key to societal and technological development. Exploring space, fighting climate change, creating sustainable water sources, reducing pollution; there are so many complexities that current generations will need to investigate and overcome in the years ahead. However, only 16% of American high school seniors are proficient in mathematics and interested in STEM careers. According to the Washington Post, many students believe science and math classes are difficult and are therefore more likely to lack interest in STEM careers than others careers. They turn down all the fascinating topics science has to offer due to fear of failing before they even begin. Our goal is to develop kids’ interest in science during their formative elementary years, and give them basic scientific skills to be applied in school and beyond. Young kids are naturally inquisitive of the world around them and are full of questions regarding anything they find interesting and unique. We want to take advantage of this innate curiosity and start channeling their enthusiasm for asking questions toward scientific discovery from when they are little. We wish to get them thinking about the scientific world and grow to love all the mysteries it has to offer, instead of shying away from them. Our young generations must be equipped with the knowledge they need to solve problems and trailblaze the future.

This summer we have developed a program that will run at our community library where we will engage kids in grades 3-6 with a variety of experiments and topics, building a scientific foundation and cultivating appreciation and excitement for STEM topics. Currently we are working on developing our lesson plans and organizing our materials in anticipation of our program’s start at the end of July.

-Giorgia Santore ’24, Nainika Lebaka ’24, and Nikhil Lebaka ’24