Ramadan One-Day Fasting Experience

Hello, Deerfield!

Mukhtar, one of my precious advisees, has been fasting during this month of Ramadan. No food, no water, from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan symbolizes empathy, patience, and gratefulness.

The upcoming week is the last week of Ramadan, therefore you are invited to sign up for:
The Ramadan One-Day Fasting Experience.

It will be on Tuesday. The fast starts from 6:00 am until 7:40 pm. No food, No water. To break the fast, I’ll be making a home-cooked meal to break the fast together.

Given space in my apartment, we have 12 spots. If you would like to join, please fill out the survey link with your name, email, and why you’d like to join.

Deadline to sign up is Sunday at 9:00 pm.
Invitation to participate is open to all community members.

Ramadan Kareem! 🙂
(Meaning: May you have a generous month of Ramadan)

– Ms. Samawi