The Last Week of the Term Overview
As was the case for Fall Term, we will not have an exam week schedule this term, though classes may have a final assessment or a major piece of work (project, paper, culminating assignment) due during the last week of the term. Students should soon receive—if they haven’t yet received—a schedule from each of their teachers that clearly outlines the work due and/or assessments given during the last week of the term.
Requests to Move Assessments/Major Work
As is the case at any point of the school year, if students have more than two major pieces of work or assessments due on the same day, students may request to move one to an alternate date. We will have normal Testing Study Hall hours during the last week of the term, which may be pertinent if a student needs to move an assessment. Students should communicate directly with the teacher whose major piece of work/assessment they wish to move. Teachers are expected to accommodate such requests as best they can. This may be best accomplished by completing the work earlier, especially going into a break. Please plan accordingly.
Testing Study Hall Hours
Library 209:
• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 3:45 – 5:15 pm
• Wednesday at 1:45 – 3:15 pm
Koch Garonzik:
• Monday through Thursday at 7:45 – 9:45 pm
For both afternoon and evening times, students should arrive at the beginning of the session.
Expectations for the Last Week of the Term
Students must adhere to the published Class Schedule during the last week of the term and attend all their classes (students may not depart campus early).
The Student Life Office in conjunction with the Academic Affairs Office may approve an early departure request for extraordinary or emergency circumstances only. Early departures for personal convenience will not be approved. In the case of an approved early departure, the student is expected to communicate directly with the teacher(s) whose class or major piece of work/assessment they will miss.
Class Schedule for the Last Week of the Term
The Class Schedule for the last week of Winter Term is available on the Class Schedule Calendar (, please look at the week of February 28. Please note the Special Schedule on Friday, March 4. Please also note that unlike Fall Term, we will follow a normal, short day class schedule on the last Wednesday of the term—March 2 (we will not have 90-minute classes on this Wednesday).
Questions? Please email