Plagiarism Statement & Academic Integrity

Plagiarism Statement

To promote integrity, each year students are required to read the school’s Plagiarism Statement, and then sign the Plagiarism Statement Agreement confirming they have read and understood it.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is of the utmost importance at Deerfield Academy and must be one of the guiding principles in the life of every student. At the core of academic integrity is a bond of trust between teacher and student. By affixing their name to a piece of work, students pledge that, unless properly cited, the work is entirely their own. 

Academic dishonesty in all its various forms can be broad and complex, and no policy on academic integrity can list and describe every possible transgression. The Academy expects that each student will work to understand this complexity and will adhere to the highest standards of honesty. If there is doubt about the guidelines for academic integrity, students should discuss questions with a teacher.

Students are prohibited from using artificial intelligence (AI)-generative tools for student work (including AI editing services) unless under direct instruction from faculty to do so. If a teacher explicitly allows students to use AI, students must cite this and include all prompts they used in their process or submitted product.

Our academic integrity policy extends to all national tests or exams a student takes during their time at Deerfield. This includes but is not limited to, the SAT, the ACT, and Advanced Placement (AP) exams.  

If you have a doubt about the guidelines for academic integrity, you should discuss your questions with a teacher.

Deerfield expects you to understand and work within the guidelines described below. Violations of the letter or the spirit of these guidelines will be reported to the Dean of Studies and will be grounds for disciplinary or non-disciplinary action. 

The examples that follow are for explanation and not for limitation.


Plagiarism (Latin: plagiarius, kidnapper of a child) is the use of another person’s or AI-generated ideas or work without proper acknowledgment. If you need information about how to properly credit or document a source, please consult your teacher for their preferred resource.

If you are ever in doubt about attributing others’ words or ideas, document your source.

Plagiarism usually occurs in two forms: 1) copying and 2) receiving outside writing help. The first form of plagiarism (copying) may consist of the following:

  • Copying or gaining any other advantage from another student during a quiz, test, or examination situation;
  • Exact copying of an author’s or AI-generated text without the use of quotation marks;
  • Using an author’s or AI-generated words, sentences, or passages—even with omissions or changes in wording—without proper acknowledgment;
  • Rearranging the words or sentences of one or more authors or AIs;
  • Using an author’s or AI-generated argument or points from an argument without proper acknowledgment, thereby and representing them as one’s own.

The source of the plagiarized material may, for instance, be another student’s paper, a conversation with a peer, an exchange with a tutor or parent, an encyclopedia, a scholarly text, an internet site, or AI; the source does not change the degree or seriousness of the plagiarism.

The second form of plagiarism occurs when students receive unacknowledged help in preparing an assignment. Such outside help includes proofreading, editing, and assistance from, but not limited to, parents/guardians, proctors, tutors, classmates, or AI. While students are encouraged to discuss assignments with faculty and other students, all work and writing should be their own. Again, when in doubt, students should acknowledge any help they receive. Students occasionally benefit from cooperative and collaborative learning; however, when work is submitted by teams or individuals, each student must be able to independently explain and defend the claims and ideas presented and must acknowledge the collaboration.

A student will receive a failing grade for any assignment in which plagiarism occurs. In order to ensure adherence to this policy and to resolve questions of authorship, the Academy reserves the right to electronically screen papers, gain access to student computer files and other submitted work for authenticity.

If a student withdraws from Deerfield pending a Community Values Council meeting, the school reserves the right to assign a failing grade to the academic work in question.

Students are prohibited from using AI-generative tools for academic work unless under direct instruction from faculty to do so. If a teacher explicitly allows students to use AI, students must cite it and include all prompts they used in their process and in their submitted product.

**** Again, if you are in doubt, acknowledge any help you receive. ****

Library Use:

In fairness to other users, and out of respect for the institution, library materials must be recognized as common and vital property of the academic community.  Hence, all rules concerning the checking out of circulating materials and limitations on journals, magazines, newspapers, and reference materials must be observed.  Any action which unfairly limits access to library resources, or any willful defacement or destruction of library materials, will be considered a serious breach of academic integrity.

Misuse of Computers:

Misuse of computers, the school’s network, or other information resources can constitute a serious breach of academic integrity, in addition to possibly violating other school rules such as harassment or vandalism.  

Examples of misuse of technology which may constitute academic dishonesty include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Gaining unauthorized access to any computer or computer system.
  • Tampering with any files or data stored on an individual computer or on the network, especially when this impedes the academic work of others. This naturally includes any of the library’s computer systems.
  • Vandalism of computer hardware including theft, damage or disfigurement, and manipulation of computer software, especially when this impedes the academic work of others.

Important note: Students are expected to use their Deerfield-issued laptops for all academic work. Deleting or otherwise obscuring internet search histories, or wiping a computer of its memory is not permitted and will be considered a breach of academic integrity.

Submission of the Same Work for Two Courses:

When a student submits work to a teacher in a course, the teacher expects the work to be completed and submitted for credit only in that course. If a student attempts to submit the same work or substantially the same work in two different courses, this dual submission violates the teacher’s trust. Using the same assignment for credit twice is a shortcut that gives an unfair advantage to that student. Just as a writer cannot submit the same piece for publication in two separate magazines, a student cannot receive credit for a single assignment twice. A student is credited for completing a course only when they have met in good faith all the requirements of and for that course specifically. 

In cases, however, where overlap between assignments in two different courses might lead the student to perform fruitful, interdisciplinary work, the student may submit the same assignment for credit provided that the student obtains advance approval from both teachers. In this situation, the teachers might reasonably attach additional expectations reflecting the assignment fulfilling two courses’ requirements. Likewise, when assignments in two courses seem redundant, both instructors might agree in advance to accept the same work for credit but again, the teachers may decide to increase expectations regarding the length and scope of the assignment.

Access to Electronic/Smart Devices:

During any quiz, test, examination, or graded work, students may not access any electronic or smart device or resource unless explicitly allowed by their teacher or by a documented academic or medical accommodation. Prohibited devices include—but are not limited to—phones, tablets, computers, smart speakers, smart wearables (watches, glasses, headphones).

2024-2025 Academic Integrity Requirements for Students

  1. Download & read a copy of the full Plagiarism Statement.
  2. Attend “On Being a Deerfield Scholar” educational session. This session happens during Opening Days in the Fall Term, and is a required meeting for all students—both new and returning. Students should attend the session designated for their grade (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th) and student status (new or returning student).
  3. Complete the Plagiarism Statement Agreement. Each year, students must read and agree to comply with the Plagiarism Statement. The Plagiarism Statement Agreement is due at 11pm on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Students are encouraged to sign the Plagiarism Statement Agreement before leaving the session. A reminder will be emailed to all students on August 30.
  4. Affirm they attended the “On Being a Deerfield Scholar” educational session. While filling out their Plagiarism Statement Agreement, students will be asked to affirm that they have attended the required education session. If they have not attended the session, they will be prompted to email the Academic Affairs Office to arrange to attend a make-up session (note that students should still complete the Plagiarism Statement Agreement by September 1, even if they need to attend a make-up session).

If you have any questions about these requirements, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

Before they enter Deerfield, all new students are required to take a math placement test to determine an appropriate class. Students who have already taken a language they wish to continue studying at Deerfield will take a placement test to determine what level class they should take. If the placement in either department is deemed inappropriate after the student arrives, then the teacher may suggest a change of level. Students may also request such a change if they feel they are misplaced, and should consult with their teacher and their academic advisor before contacting the Dean of Studies.

Students have a variety of opportunities to travel abroad through the Center for Service and Global Citizenship travel programs that run domestic and international trips during school breaks.

Study abroad and term-away opportunities are available to students through approved, partnered-programs. Study abroad is available in 10th through 12th grade, but typically students who choose to go abroad will do so during their junior year. Read more about off-campus study opportunities online here.

Yes. In order to garner Honors distinction a student must have a cumulative term average above 90.0%. High Honors requires an average of 93.0% or above. You can read more about Deerfield’s honor roll online here.

Because of its commitment to high-quality academics, Deerfield offers a wide range of rigorous courses. All of Deerfield’s classes are appropriately challenging, but courses designated as “honors,” “accelerated,” or “AP” provide an extra challenge for ambitious students.

All students are assigned a faculty advisor by late summer before they start school. After their first year, students may choose a new advisor, or continue with their original advisor, depending on the relationships they have developed with Deerfield’s faculty. Advisors are responsible for submitting course requests and writing an advisor report every term. They are available for questions a student may have and are involved in every major academic, co-or extra-curricular decision a student makes while at Deerfield. In addition, faculty eat lunch with their advisees every Thursday and may schedule other meetings for their advisees. Advisors are a key component of the Deerfield experience, as they provide guidance and support to students throughout their time at Deerfield.

Students are permitted to miss a maximum of eight (8) combined class days for Pursuits of Excellence, College Visits or other reasons each academic year (no more than 6 days missed per term). Exceptions to the eight-day limit must be approved through the Academic Affairs Office. Requests must be received at least three (3) days prior to the event. Any student requesting to miss class should make sure they are aware of the 20% Rule policy (found in the Student Handbook under the 20% Rule), and, if their request is approved, students should be sure to inform their teacher(s) of their upcoming absence(s) and arrange to make up missed work. Please click here to read more about our Request to Miss Classes Policy.

Contact Academics
Fax 413-772-1128

Boyden Library
Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm

7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 87
Deerfield, MA 01342