Pointers for the New School Year

The First Link Committee of the Deerfield Parents Network (DPN) has put together this list of pointers that we hope you will find helpful as your child gets ready to leave for school. If you have questions or comments about the First Link program, feel free to contact the Co-Chairs: Travis Acquavella P’25, ’27, Nancy Bernstein P’25, ’26, Ellen Port P’26, and Julia Van Nice P’24, ’25, ’28.


  • Check the “Important Dates” calendar link for the 2024 – 2025 school year.
  • If you plan to come to campus for Fall Family Weekend (October 4 – 6, 2024), please make travel arrangements and book hotel rooms as soon as possible. Please note that parents and guardians are invited to attend classes with their children, and those classes start at 8:30 am on Friday, so you may want to arrive on Thursday if your schedule allows. Students may leave campus with you after their cocurricular ends on Saturday. Our Fall Term Holidays are Monday, October 7, and Tuesday, October 8 (no classes). Students should plan to return to campus on Tuesday, October 8, by 7:45 pm in time for Study Hall. Please note that the dorms remain open during this long weekend in the fall for students who do not plan to leave campus.
  • Hotels book quickly! If you don’t have luck with a hotel room, many local Airbnb options exist. Look at Deerfield’s Lodging List and Travel Information.
  • In the fall: Please help your child to be content with their housing assignment. It will work out, even if they don’t get the dorm they wanted or are not placed with a close friend. They will make new friends in their dorms. Dorm life can be an adjustment, and you can help to make it easier for them by accepting where they’ve been placed.
  • Less is more in terms of what your son or daughter brings to school. Due to limited storage space, err on the side of bringing less than you think they need. For example, leave the winter clothes at home and bring or send them to school for the Winter Term. Here is the suggested packing list for fall. You can always ship anything they need, but . . ..
  • Please hold off shipping to DA until the second half of August. Shipping and Receiving is in the “garden level” of the Chen Health and Wellness Center. Joe Garey and Danny Brooks ensure all your packages reach your student. Amazon delivers anything and everything to Deerfield, and it gets there quickly. You can send boxes/packages the last two weeks of August, and Joe and Danny will hold them for your student.
  • Label your child’s clothing to help prevent laundry mishaps and headaches with lost or borrowed clothing. We recommend something like the Name-Dropper Stamp, Mabels Labels, or even a laundry pen by Sharpie, which works well.
  • Laundry: You can sign up for weekly laundry service with E&R Laundry, Swift Cleaners in Greenfield, or students can do laundry themselves in their dorms. Many students opt for a laundry service because the service will launder clothing as well as dry clean coats, ties, dress shirts, and blazers. Others prefer to launder their own belongings using the dorm facilities. New laundry machines have been installed this summer for those doing their own laundry.  You can set up an account using a card and coin-free app. It’s up to you, but it’s worth discussing before they head off to school.
  • Discuss communication with your child before school starts. Make a plan with your child regarding how often (and in what mode) you’ll communicate. (Don’t make it too frequent … remember, they will be busy!) Sometimes, a quick text exchange is more feasible than a conversation. Try to be content with the time they can give you, as they have a full plate with classes, activities, and adjusting to a new environment.
  • Meet the proctors and teachers/faculty members in your child’s hall when you drop off your student. They will be valuable resources since they live with your child.
  • Don’t be surprised by how your child handles the “goodbye moment” when you drop them off at school. Every child responds differently, and you can help set the tone for positivity and joy. Remember to give them space—boarding school is a stepping stone to independence and self-confidence for your child. They are in good hands, and the dorm residents and proctors are well-equipped to help with the transition.  If you are at ease – your child is more likely to be as well!
  • Understand that students are busy. Their schedules are packed with academics, cocurriculars, sit-down meals, study hall, dorm feeds, and lights out. When they have free time, they form relationships with new friends, do homework, study, get involved with clubs, participate in school activities, attend mandatory meetings and lectures, etc. In addition, they are having fun! So be patient with them.
  • Explore the Academy’s website and get to know the school better.
  • Explore DAinfo, where you can see your child’s schedule, teachers, and classmates and access the family directory to communicate with other parents. This is a password-protected site, so make sure you remember your password. If your contact information changes (address, email, phone), please do not delay updating it on DAinfo by emailing Alumni Records and letting them know the new information.
  • Check out the Students Bulletin. This newsfeed is also under the Students drop-down tab at the top of the Deerfield.edu homepage. While it is primarily for students, it can give you a sense of daily happenings on campus.
  • Consider creating a network of parents who live close by you for package deliveries or ride-sharing. We know a group of parents from one area who email their “network” to see if anyone is headed to campus when they need something brought to their student or if they are looking for a ride-share or carpool. This is often more efficient and less expensive than FedEx—and you’ll have the chance to make new friends as well.
  • Encourage your child to solve problems independently as much as possible and hold off on “picking up the phone” to solve it for them. Foster their independence. Please encourage them to speak with their advisor for help or advice. You can also share confidentially relevant information with your child’s advisor that could help your child.
  • Remember that the staff are busy teaching, coaching, mentoring, and caring for your child. Drop-offs can sometimes seem hectic – so help frame it as an exciting experience. If a certain moment or interaction doesn’t go perfectly – don’t over-emphasize it. If something doesn’t go your child’s way, let them handle any situation first and encourage them to seek help at DA if needed. If necessary, you can always go to their advisor for any concerns you may need to discuss.
  • Your First Link is a wonderful resource. They are available and ready to answer any questions you may have now or during the school year. They are also current parents who remember what it was like to be new to DA, and they are excited to help you in any way they can over the year. Your student has their Green Key to help them, and you have your First Link. Please use them!


Save the following important phone numbers in your phone or planner. You never know when you might need them, and you don’t want to scramble last minute:

  • General Contact Information: Main Switchboard: 413-772-0241
  • Your Child’s Advisor and Dorm Resident numbers are located on DAinfo
  • Non-emergency Issues: During the school day, please email or telephone your child’s Class Dean at their office number listed below; after hours, please get in touch with the School Officer in Charge (SOC) at 413-772-9070
  • Dean of Students Sam Bicknell, 413-774-1485
  • Dean of Residential Life/Twelfth-Grade Dean Becca Melvoin, 413-774-1423
  • Eleventh-grade Grade Dean Brian Barbato, 413-774-1681
  • Tenth-Grade Dean: Drew Philie, 413-774-1543
  • Ninth-Grade Dean: Heather Brown, 413-774-1459
  • Associate Head of School for Student Life: Amie Creagh, 413-774-1454
  • Emergency, Health, and Safety Contacts
    • Security (24 hours): 413-772-9880
    • Security (office): 413-774-1558
    • Health Center: 413-774-1600
    • Sexual Response Resource
    • SOC (School Officer in Charge): 413-772-9070
  • Student Mail/Packages
    • Postal Mail: Student Name, PO Box 298, Deerfield, MA 01342
    • UPS/FedEx: Student Name, 7 Boyden Lane, Deerfield, MA 01342

The first year arriving at Deerfield Academy is exciting for you and your student! We hope you feel welcome and well-informed for the upcoming year. Please reach out if you have any questions—we are here to help.

Your First Link Co-Chairs,

Travis Acquavella P’25 ,’27
Nancy Bernstein P’25,’26
Ellen Port P’26
Julia Van Nice P’24,’25,’28