Deerfield runs an on-campus competition during the Green Cup Challenge. Through the month-long challenge, our students follow the success of their dormitory on our energy dashboard and compare their achievements to their on-campus peers and to other schools. The dorm that reduces its energy the most from an established baseline wins a significant prize—an on-campus activity for themselves and another dorm of their choosing, AND a cash prize proportional to dorm size. Because the Green Cup Challenge is a month-long event, we believe that the changed energy consumption practices are more likely to become a learned behavior.
Washington, D.C. #1: Excited for the Journey Ahead
For the next couple of days, 11 students and two faculty trip leaders, David Miller and Kena Chavva, will be based out of Washington, D.C. to learn about democracy and civic life in action. Students will engage in topics of debate, advocacy, and role of museums, non-profit organizations, and government in telling and authoring the American story. On the train ride to D.C., trip leaders ask students to reflect on the following prompt: What are you hoping to learn more about on this trip?