Spain #1: Excited for The Journey Ahead

Elena ’25, looks forward to learning the culture of Cádiz, meeting new people, and to improving her Spanish.

Our departure to Cádiz teemed with excitement and anticipation. Our thoughts and conversations during van rides, going through security, waiting at the gate, and our seven hour plane ride, were all characterized by everyone’s eagerness to enter the mystical city, Cádiz. Lounging in our somewhat uncomfortable airplane chairs, we imagined ourselves lying at the beach, with the glistening golden city behind us. The scenery, architecture, and history of Cádiz fascinated me and my peers even before we arrived.

Our dreamy and hopeful thoughts were actualized upon our arrival in Cádiz. We were greeted with the sun’s intense presence and the cool sea breeze. Shortly after the brisk plane ride from Madrid to Jerez, a bus ride awaited us. From the large bus windows, the bright blue waters enchanted us, and all we wanted to do was run out into the calm waves. However, we rejoiced as we learned that our host families awaited us in the center of town with smiles that outshone the sun. My roommate, Emily and I, were stunned by the hospitality and kindness of our host mother. After a long day, she made us feel immediately comfortable in her apartment, and we did not feel judged when we messed up our Spanish. The home-stay experience is the perfect opportunity to learn the culture of Cádiz, meet new people, and to improve our Spanish. Speaking Spanish all the time with a family you don’t know very well is intimidating, but it’s discomfort that leads to growth and prosperity.




