Spain #17: Cultural Differences

Gabriel ’25, reflects on the differences between Spanish and American culture. In an effort to continue a fully immersive language experience, this blog post is written in both Spanish and English.

After waking up peacefully and almost late to school we got to meet nuevas personas de Alemania cuál estuvo muy divertido. Durante clase nuestro profe Juan, enseñó sobre aventureros diferentes y nuevas palabras en español como atrevido (which is an adjective to describe someone as bold). Después escuela yo comí una comida buena con mis amigos Walker y Luka y nosotros tenemos tiempo libre y por 2 horas yo miré Spongebob y me vestí ropas elegante y entré el autobús con Luka, Elena, Izzy, y Emily por un restaurante que tiene una michelín estrella. Pero, antes el restaurante comimos boba té. estuvo muy delicioso. I had an iberico pork sirloin which tasted pretty good, but it was a little small so I got some steak from Maisy, since she didn’t want anymore, which was very nice. After all of that I got home and got ready for the last full day in Cadíz which is insane to believe.

Thinking about how Spanish culture compares with American culture I see how many things I like such as how you don’t feel pressured to tip and it’s only if you want to. Another thing I like is how everything feels fairly priced and not like I’m being scammed with what feels like a 500% markup. I would say the only thing I don’t like about Spanish culture compared to American culture is that people love staring at foreigners for any reason and that makes me a little uncomfortable but it’s manageable.



