South Korea #7: Lasting Memories and Lessons Learned

Max ’26, reflects on the personal growth he and his peers have had during their time in Korea, and the memorable moments that will last a lifetime.

On our final day on what has been an exciting and eye-opening trip, we spent the morning hiking on the fortress walls of Korea’s Namhansanseong fortress, a designated UNESCO world heritage site. There, all of us were given a rope and told to hold on to it no matter what, and to get to the designated space, a temple that was three miles away, in 90 minutes. Unfortunately, despite all the new leadership experiences, opportunities and growth that we had experienced in the past few days, the first hour of this experiment was filled with frustration and annoyance as communication was unclear and the pacing was off. However, after reaching the temple and having a discussion about our weaknesses as a group and what we needed to do to have a better time, the next 15 minutes with the rope proved to be a better time. Communication was clear, and the group leader at the front of the pack made sure everyone was comfortable and constantly checked in with everyone. Needless to say, just like the entire trip itself, this short hike at the fortress served as a testament to the power of communication, and the growth that all of us had experienced as the trip was drawn to a close.

After packing our bags, we set off for the park in which we had gathered in one of those first nights, nights that felt so long ago. There, we had a final big group discussion and reflection, recounting our entire experience, revisiting our journals and expressing gratitude to one another. The lessons that had begun to germinate in those first days were now fully grown and understood in our minds.

But to top it off, our final dinner was a Korean barbecue, a delight that many of us had been looking forward for a long time. As we sat down at the table, we were not disappointed, and left the restaurant with full stomachs and a feeling of satisfaction. Finally, we had one last shopping opportunity at Myeongdong, where street and fake luxury brand vendors were found aplenty.

As I went to bed tonight, I realized how far I and everyone else have come in this trip. Transforming into a close group that really understood each other, learning lessons about leadership practically, with our student-led lessons and the rope activity, all while getting truly immersed in the rich culture that South Korea had to offer. I’m sure all of us have made memories and learned lessons that will last a lifetime. Goodbye, South Korea.





