Dominican Republic #1: First Impressions

Lila ’26, Audrey ’26, and Angel ’25, share their first impressions of the Dominican Republic, and look forward to the coming days on the work site.

First day in the Dominican Republic! Woke up at 4 am for an early flight out of JFK. Once we arrived it was super fascinating to see the city, I can’t wait to learn more about the culture. We ate dinner with the family we are building a home for and introduced ourselves. I’m hoping my minimal Spanish improves by the end of the trip by learning from my group and the people I’m working with. Another goal I have is to be able to hold conversations in Spanish with the family members. I’m excited to see what comes next and to start working!

-Lila ’26

I can’t believe we are already in the DR, I’m so excited to start building and working with the family! We landed today in Santo Domingo and then got to drive up to San Juan. Looking out the window at all the people and communities we passed was so interesting, it was crazy to see all the cultural differences. When we got to the hotel we got to eat dinner with the family whose house we are building, which was so heartwarming to see that what we are doing is real and going towards good people. I am hoping to be able to help finish building the house by Sunday and I have a goal to bond and get to know at least one or two members of the family.

-Audrey ’26

Being in the Dominican Republic feels so surreal. Time really did fly from the day of my acceptance to now. I was captivated by the beautiful agriculture, as well as the biotic and abiotic features of the DR. There is so much plant life in the DR it’s insane. Looking down from the plane there was green as far as the eye can see. On our way to San Juan the group caught glimpses of just a few of the many biotic features the DR has to offer: Cacti, cows, goats, dogs, horses, and chickens. The DR’s abiotic features are so much different than America it’s mind boggling! The DR is much warmer than the U.S.; When the group left the airport we were hit by a wave of heat! The landscape was littered with mountains! Meeting the family we are building a home for, reminded me of why I chose this trip. I learned a lot about the family as I was one of the two Spanish speakers comfortable enough to converse with them. They are so polite, generous, humble, and kind. I am glad that my efforts are going towards a good cause.

-Angel ’25



